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Urinary cytology examination

How to collect urine for cytological examination

To collect urine for cytological examination, it is recommended to perform the examination on the second morning urine by strictly following the directions given:

  • Eliminate the first urine in the morning
  • Drink about one liter of water or other nonalcoholic, non-carbonated beverage
  • wash your genitals thoroughly
  • after drinking, collect the second urine in a plastic container and decant it into the container provided by the laboratory containing methanol and water, then close the container tightly
  • Repeat the entire procedure for the three consecutive days (if more samples are required)

At the end of the three-day collection period, deliver the 3 samples to the laboratory. Samples should not be kept refrigerated.

Warning. Do not inhale, do not ingest and avoid contact with skin.



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